Green text indicates quotes from the Syllabus.
Strand - Social Systems and Structures
Substrand - Roles, Rights and Responsibilities
Outcome SSS1.8
Identifies roles and responsibilities within families, schools and the local community, and determines ways in which they should interact with others.
Content Overview - Subject Matter
Students in Stage 1 will learn about:
- roles and responsibilities of people who work in services in the community, both paid and unpaid
Content Overview - Implications for Learning and Teaching
Students will have opportunities to:
- list the people who help them in the community adn describe what they do, the equipment they use and typical situations in which they perform their roles
- respect the process of rule making and rule enforcement
Strand - Change and Continuity
Substrand - Time and Change
Outcome CCS1.2
Identifies changes and continuities in the local community.
Content Overview - Subject Matter
Students in Stage 1 will learn about:
- technologies, both past and present (eg ways of accessing emergency services)
- changes, both past and present , caused by changing needs (eg types of emergency services and/or how they operate)
* draw attention to change in technologies over time (eg ways of contacting police)
Link to HSIE samples of work:
Workers in the Community.
Students learn about:
- the roles and responsibilities of people who work in services in the community
- interconnections between technologies, workers, users and the environment
- list the people who help them in the community, describing what they do, the equipment they use and typical situations in which they perform their roles
Students will be able: