Sunday, August 23, 2009

Assessment Task 1

Assessment task (1A)

Due date: Tutorial times in the week of 7th September

Group Task

Maximum Group size:4

This assignment has two integrated components.

1. Construction of a model/artefact and research of the time and place in which it is located

2. A group Presentation

In this assignment you will undertake a series of investigations as a member of a group. The initial part of this assignment provides an investigation and a design task in the area of science and technology.

You are to design and make an artefact from a 'time and place' that contains three different electrical devices and demonstrates the capacity to create both series and parallel circuits. Whatever you make must use batteries as the power source and only one power source should be used. It critical to make clear links to a "time and place" that could be studied in an HSIE unit of work.

Some possibilities include:

  • Model houses (eg, an historic house, a house from another culture, an environmentally or energy efficient house).
  • Streetscapes - modern or historical
  • Parliament house (or part thereof)
  • Traffic lights
  • Advertising signs
  • Model car or transport type
  • Lighthouse
  • Mining equipment

You will need to provide an 'educational context' to authenticate your artefact. When the artefact is presented you will need to:

  • provide an explanation for how your artefact links with the 'time and place' (topic) investigated in a "powerful" HSIE unit of work (Suggestions for how this could be done will be provided in lectures and tutes).
  • clearly identify and justify the Year/Stage of students to whom you would explore this artefact and teach this unit
  • justify why and how unit (topic) should/could be included in the K-6 curriculum, ie why this topic is important for primary students to study, and linking the topic to the Aims, and Subject Matter of the HSIE K-6 Syllabus and your HSIE readings.
  • Provide evidence of personal research of the time and place/topic. This may involve a visit, interview, telephone /email conversation, summaries of texts/websites etc

Whatever you decide to make should be constructed in association with an in-depth investigation in the areas of Science and Technology K-6 as well as Human Society and its Environment K-6. You will need to provide evidence of your research, and share the "powerful" field knowledge (teacher knowledge) that you have gained. You will need to document your investigations and group activities through the use of text and other digital media. You may chose to do this by setting up a Blog, a web page, a digital journal, a multimedia presentation, a digital movie, and/or digital photographs. This documentation will form the basis of digital artefacts that might be included in your e-pod.

Your group will present its model to the tutorial using some form of multimedia presentation.

In the presentation you will need to:

  • Identify the outcomes and indicators from the syllabus documents that relate to the artefact and time and place/topic investigated.
  • Share your research and learning about the and time and place/topic
  • Provide suggestions for how this task and unit would be implemented in a classroom context

Assessment task (1B)

Due date: May be submitted during the presentation but no later than Friday 11th September


Each member of the group will prepare a reflection that:

  • Identifies their contribution to the group project
  • Identifies the elements/aspects/attributes of the experience that have been most significant for them personally
  • Discuss the issues and implications that they will have to address as a beginning teacher if they are to implement these types of learning experiences in these KLAS in primary classrooms.