Friday, August 21, 2009

Meeting Two

Email from Voren to group titled "Gold!"

Police Public Call Box on YouTube


Hi Voren
great clip! I've attached a summary of the meeting on Thursday. Please add or amend as you think necessary. If you think the minutes should be more detailed I don't mind recording more at the next meeting.
You'll notice that under your name I've added that you are looking for a toy bike as well as a horse!! I was wondering if you had a toy bike in your collection of things, because at the turn of the century bikes became more widely used than horses, even the police used them. If you don't, perhaps we could stick a picture of an old bike against the wall of our 'old' building?

Group meeting; 20/8/2009

Our challenge: to effectively integrate a tardis into an Australian setting.

The assignment is in the form of a diorama that represents contemporary Australia and early Australia. Its purpose is to provide a setting to contrast how the community communicates with the police now and how people contacted the police in the past before the telephone.

The group discussed what form the diorama would take and what items were to be included in it, both two and three-dimensional.

All group members to develop ideas for the 'big idea'

  • research historical police public call boxes (done)
  • research current police services and communication
  • find a device that can reproduce the sound of a ringing phone for our telstra phone box research batteries and cells
  • investigate and select the appropriate outcomes and indicators for the science and technology component of our unit of work
  • interview the curator of the police museum located in The Rocks regarding communication options for contacting the police before the advent of the telephone
  • investigate and select the appropriate outcomes and indicators for the HSIE component of our unit of work
  • research the text book and HSIE K-6 syllabus for justification for why this topic is important for primary students to study.
  • locate a toy horse and toy bicycle for the diorama
  • attend a school visit by a member of the police force, or interview a member of a school about the purpose of police visits to schools and the content and context of those visits.
Oh, and before we go any further, we should clarify whether we all agree to having our photos on the blog.

Anyone in witness protection? or otherwise trying to keep a low profile?

I agree to others posting photos of me as long as they don't add any kilos or capture any particularly stupid facial expressions!

Here's a sketch showing the evolving idea. It reflects the decision to leave out Fire and Ambulance and concentrate solely on police (past and present).

Hi guys!

Here is the very attractive OLD police station at Marrickville. As you can see, it didn't really fit in the shot but I took several that can be patched together with some snazzy digital editing. I had to stand in my car doorway to take the photo over the top of parked cars. They would have been tricky to edit out.

Everyone happy to use this one? I like how the name is written in stone. They obviously weren't expecting to out-grow the space back then!

I also visited the modern Marrickville police station for a police car money box still in flat mode. I was thinking of scanning it to reduce the size but now I'm doubting we have the luxury of time to have everything scaled perfectly.

The reason I was worried about the car size was that last night I thought I should paint the road onto the masonite base. I'm not sure what the library's policy is on spilling paint (probably not as harsh as their views on being set alight) but dry paint will be easier to deal with at our next meeting.

In order to decide size and position of road I needed to have a good idea of buildings and so selected a few boxes (from the gazillions at my disposal) and then one thing led to another and TV being what it was (less than enthralling) I kind of ended up starting on a modern police station. I'm not sure I like it but it will do if we're strapped for time next week.

From what I've heard from other groups it could take us our whole session to work out the electronics so I'm going with the theory that the more the model is complete before next Thursday, the less likely we'll all have to meet up on a weekend.

Is that ok with everyone?

hi Voren
great old police station. Its unusual to find one with 'police' on the front so its a fantastic find. The camden police station would be interesting for a class excursion because they can see how the old police station looks and then go inside and see how a modern police station operates. Kind of like time travelling in the one building. I love the blog site! You are truly a wizz. Its got all our ideas and looks absolutely professional and interesting too. Of course I consent to my photo being on there, I would just prefer to be photo shopped first!! : ) What materials do you want me to bring on Thurs?
cheers Rosie

Here's the edited photo. We might need some model shrubbery at pavement level.