Friday, August 21, 2009

Meeting 1 - A plan is hatched


Timeline Artefact Revealing Developments In Science

Greetings Team :-)

Good news Frances! Colin reckons our explanation has sufficient links to the curriculum for it to work.

To that end, a photo of my Tardis model is attached. It is approx 21 x 11 cm x 11cm.

This is to be located within a streetscape that also represents a timeline. At one end we could have buildings and vehicles representing old style emergency services and on the other, modern ones. These could be photos printed onto cardboard (for strength). Embellishments like trees etc could be added for looks. I like the idea of a fire station with horse drawn "fire truck" at the OLD end because the police are represented by the Tardis and you wouldn't have had a police box right outside a police station! Modern examples could include a helipad for recue choppers etc! OK, maybe too difficult for the artefact but good info for the powerpoint.

Located in front of this backdrop, we'd have the blue Police Public Call Box and the modern Telstra phone booth. Also a person holding a mobile phone.

Scott had the brilliant idea of activating the Tardis to signal that we are "time-travelling" to another era (and the details of this can be photographs, info etc in our audio/visual presentation (eg powerpoint).

The components of the Tardis are to be: a light, a motor to spin the building (replicating "take off) and a sound effect (hopefully phone ringing sound or similar).

And now for curriculum tie-ins (Rosie, this is mainly for you as we discussed this while you were in psych). However, we may need to revisit this a bit in light of Colin's angle.

Social Systems and Structures - Stage 1 SSS1.7 (p11, 48, 49, 52 and 74.)
in particular Roles, Rights and Responsibilities (p 52)

Change and Continuity - Stage 1 CCS1.12 (p 48, 49
in particular:
* technologies, both past and present (eg ways of accessing emergency services)
* changes, both past and present , caused by changing needs (eg types of emergency services and/or how they operate)

Where to now?

We will meet at 1-2pm next Thursday (I will book a room)

I will play with the Tardis and with electronics on the weekend but merely as "practice".
Everyone do some web browsing and find interesting info and images about emergency services then and now.
Email re further ideas, access to useful bits, etc

And don't forget, overall we're looking to engage students (not just Dr Who fans!) and address some BIG IDEAS.

How does our unit advance SOCIAL UNDERSTANDING and CIVIC EFFICACY? I'll leave that to be pondered for next week.


The kids and I bought various pieces and came home to play with them. Gabriel (boy, 7) had his bulb alight before I'd finished cutting the insulation back off the wire ends for his sister (Isobel 9). She got the fun of making the motor spin first though and then Gabriel made the buzzer work.

I have since got all three wired up to 4 x C batteries with an on/off switch and all three working at once. I was so proud of my efforts (and my kids!). The buzzer is so annoying I since took it out of the loop.

Further investigation/construction has determined that the Tardis is too heavy to spin (and it's alrady as light as I can make it).

In the attached photos you can see a white corflute base concealing batteries and a motor. In the other, the fish is spinning and the Tardis is alight. However, when the Tardis replaces the fish, only the light works.

So, back to the drawing board.

- is there something less annoying than a buzzer that we can use?
- will it be sufficient to rig up the light so it spins and the Tardis stays still?
- should we instead have the motor inside a rescue helicopter on a helipad on the Police building roof?

Given the complications encountered this early I think we might need to get hands on with this as soon as next week. What do you think?

Hi Voren
yes definitely hands on this week! Thanks for booking the library rooms for the next two weeks. i think the helicopter is the way to go because that is definitely a modern emergency response vehicle ( I found a historical picture of a very early cop car--the police in it looked like the key stone cops. It would be a great contrast). Is your idea to have a light and rotating blades on the copter?


If you bring with you to our next meeting what you have, we can have a look.

My thoughts i have from what you have said is - Maybe we need a larger or stronger battery or more batteries - Or perhaps the tardis is not connected properly so there fore slipping or not making a strong enough hold to the spinning thing and therefore not turning - You may have checked this? These are just initial suggestions.

What makes a phone ringing noise? maybe we could find something that does?


Hi everyone,

Thanks for getting things rolling Voren. It sounds like you have had a fun filled weekend. The Tardis looks terrific. in relation to the spinning problem, maybe we should try a bigger battery or a bigger motor (I'm not sure if this is within the parameters set for the assignment). In relation to the annoying buzzer, I will try to find a suitable sound generating device prior to Thursday.




Hiya Team,

I have booked the following Library Study rooms:

Room 4 - 1pm Thurs 20/8
Room 3 - 1pm Thurs 27/8

Yesterday I went to look up Jaycar locations and you won't believe what Google looked like (see attached):

Spooky huh?

Hi Team,

Just confirming we have Library Study Room 4 booked for 1pm.

I'll bring the guts of the Tardis to show you the problem with the motor/spin that I discovered.

Meanwhile , check out some bits that I've gathered (photo attached):

- Modern police car (my daughter's money box)
- Motorcycle cop ($1 at Addison Rd markets)
- Modern Telstra phone booth (prototype from upside down computer game model!)
- Old fashioned "bobby" (wooden doll with a costume made this evening - just needs some silver buttons and a face!)

I won't bring these tomorrow but you'll know what I'm talking about.